Monday, January 24, 2005

A Toast to Truth

Sometimes people say something, and you just go, "Wow -- truth!"

Tonight we at Cocktails with Molly are hoisting a Martini, the truest of all cocktails, to Jesse Taylor at Pandagon for his to-the-point thoughts on "The Blogosphere":

There are days where I come to hate the blogosphere. Not blogging per se, but the sort of pretentious community that has arisen which speaks in terms of the immense power we wield and our ability to change everything forever until we decide (on our own goddamn terms) to change everything forever again. ... I'm a guy with a webpage on the internet. I think I say some pretty trenchant things. I don't, however, think that I'm pioneering anything newer than novel ways to bitch and maybe every so often linking a couple of facts together in a way that provides some new insight.

Speak on, brother -- and have a Martini!

And because one Martini is never enough ... a toast also to Atrios, who points out that this aggrandization of The Blogosphere is mainly from the right-wing bloggers.

Who are still welcome to join us for cocktails, as long as the only MSM they talk about is Molly's Smooth Martini.


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