Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Good-bye to an Old Friend

Last night I said good-bye to Lloyd Sudduth, an old friend whom I've never met.

I first encountered Lloyd about 15 years ago, when a very dear friend of mine gave me a PWA Bracelet -- a "Person With AIDS" bracelet, similar to the POW-MIA bracelets, with the name of someone who died of AIDS, his age when he died, and the date of his death. Lloyd's information was on there.

I've worn that bracelet every day since then, but finally felt that, well, it was time to take it off. I didn't want to just randomly take it off, so I decided that the appropriate time would be when I was the same age that Lloyd was when he died, around the same date.

Lloyd, I don't know if you read blogs in heaven, but in case you're reading this, please know that you're off my wrist, but not off of my thoughts. And this entry is to keep your name alive.

And since we haven't met yet, I don't know your choice in beverages. I'll set out a tray of champagne -- for bon voyage, for anniversary, for celebration of life. We'll use the Red Ribbon flutes.


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