Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Happy Birthday, Ezra Klein!

Ezra Klein, one of the most thoughtful bloggers out there, healthcare policy wonk extraordinaire, and all around good read, is having a birthday!


P.S. If you're unfamiliar with Ezra's work, in addition to reading his blog, I recommend this recent op-ed he had in the L.A. Times.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Okay, it's been a long dry spell ...

Apologies for the long dry spell here.

But I can think of no better day to break open the bottles again than today!

First, it's Cinco de Mayo!

Secondly, Porter Goss has stepped down as head of the CIA!

Porter, I have no idea what made you step down so suddenly, so quickly, with no one else on deck for your position. But whatever your reasons, have a Margarita, dude!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It's Fitzmas Eve ...

... and we're chilling the champagne, just in case ...

(oh, the anticipation!)

(Clink o' the champagne flute to Atrios via Americablog for the pic!)

Friday, September 16, 2005

I'm trying to enter the wonderful world of podcasting.

So far, I'm failing.

Gimme a scotch and soda ... better make it a double! (And have one for yourself -- the podcast will sound better that way.)

(And if you can't play the above audioblog player, maybe this RSS feed will work: http://realitybites.audioblog.com/rss/reality_bites_1.xml -

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Please donate

You know, sometimes it's fun to serve up the cocktails here in cyberspace. I can play the gracious hostess, inviting all to the party.

And other times, it just seems so meaningless. I'd trade every martini, margarita, blue lady, Jack Daniels, vodka tonic, etc., that I've ever served up here if I could just send one case of water to folks who need it down South.

All I could do was send a donation to America's Second Harvest and hope they could do the job for me.

If you've ever enjoyed a cocktail here, please send a donation, if you can.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Jesse's got it

He really, really does.

Not just a fabulous site redesign at Pandagon.net, but the best post on blogging I've seen in ages.



Some sparkling champagne, sir?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

This Bud's for you ...

Paul Hackett, that was a hell of a race. Recount? I'm there with you. Let the vote stand? Coming within 4 percentage points in a heavily Red area is still kicking ass. Tonight, this Bud is for you!