Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Research? On the Internet?

Heh heh heh ... Tom Delay expresses outrage over Justice Anthony Kennedy:

"We've got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution of the United States? That's just outrageous," DeLay told Fox News Radio. "And not only that, but he said in session that he does his own research on the Internet? That is just incredibly outrageous."

Research? On the Internet? Shocking! Surely it would be better for Kennedy to cloak himself in ignorance as dark as the black robe that he wears!

Cheer up, Delay -- perhaps Kennedy is just checking out possible Nigerian money-laundering possibilities (after all, what's he looking at international law for anyway?). If so, he'll soon step down and retire in luxury and all will be well.

In the meantime -- come here, Bugman, and have a June Bug Cocktail on me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Sweet Nadia

Nadia Turner, one of the most polished performers ever to grace the stage of "American Idol", got sent home tonight.

That is, on the one hand, so wrong. She was miles above every other performer except possibly Bo Bice.

On the other hand ... Nadia is a star. No compromises. She showed everyone her talent, professionalism, and versatility, and all winning the competition would have gotten her would have been strictures and bad advice.

For you, Sweet Lady, and all of the visitors here at Cocktails with Molly -- a Lady's Cocktail. I'll miss you.

(But Bo? Come around here, darlin', and you and I will sneak off back for a round of Lynyrd Skynyrds. You were hot with "Remedy" tonight.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Best Episode of Fear Factor EVAH!

Tonight I'm watching a repeat of the best episode of Fear Factor ever!

This is the one with the pole climb at the beginning. Such wonderful expressions of good sportsmanship! All of the contestants were cheering one another on, cuing one another, being supportive. The bond that developed between Martin and Phil rivaled "The Apprentice"'s Troy and Kwame's friendship, with Martin rooting for Phil to complete the stunt even though, if Phil didn't, Martin would win $10,000. (Phil didn't.) After that stunt, the episode sort of went downhill in drama, but the contestants still were all good sports.

So we're serving up a round of Superbull Highballs, made with Red Bull (they needed wings to complete that stunt) and the Drink of Sportsmanship -- Gatorade! (Okay, and some citrus vodka and some cranberry juice).